Raleigh (0 results)
The Raleigh Sex Guide tells you where to find things like sex, prostitution, hookers, massage places for adults, and escorts in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Raleigh is the capital of North Carolina and the biggest city in the Research Triangle. It's the main place for politics and business in the area. Unlike Durham or Chapel Hill, which have a trendier vibe and active arts scene, Raleigh is known more for its business and politics.
However, visitors can still enjoy the state's cultural places here, like a big performing arts center downtown and three state museums. Plus, around the North Carolina State University campus, you'll feel a college-town atmosphere. This university is the biggest in the state.
- Sex and Prostitution in Raleigh
- Red Light Districts
- Prostitutes and Sex Workers
- Street Hookers
- Where to find Street Prostitutes in Raleigh, North Carolina
Sex and Prostitution in Raleigh
In North Carolina, it's against the law to buy or sell sex, or to encourage or help others do so. North Carolina also has rules against young people being involved in prostitution.
Under North Carolina's prostitution laws, which haven't been changed since 1919, a person commits the crime of prostitution by either offering or agreeing to have sex in exchange for money, setting up a time to do so, or having sex with lots of different people without care.
The part about criminalizing casual but non-commercial sexual behavior, as mentioned at the end, is probably just an old rule that isn't really followed by the police or courts nowadays.
Red Light Districts
In Raleigh, North Carolina, there isn't a particular area known as a Red-light district like the ones you might find in places like Frankfurt and Amsterdam. Instead, street prostitution mostly happens on State Street near Lenoir, between Lenoir and Newbern, and on Lenoir heading towards Oakwood.
You can find erotic massage parlors and strip clubs all around Raleigh, not just in one spot. Escorts who work from hotels and private places are also spread out across the town.
Prostitutes and Sex Workers
In Raleigh, North Carolina, you can find some attractive hookers and escorts who advertise online. Typically, these prostitutes charge between $100 and $150 for a quick service or $200 to $250 for an hour. Street prostitution is less common in Raleigh nowadays because many girls feel it's safer and easier to find clients online.
Street Hookers
Streetwalkers in Raleigh typically charge between $20 and $40 for a hand-job, $20 to $50 for a blow-job, and $40 to $80 for sex.
Most of the time, prostitution happens between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m., but you can find it going on throughout the day and night in Raleigh.
Where to find Street Prostitutes in Raleigh, North Carolina
State Street near Lenoir:
- This area has inexpensive black street prostitutes.
- Some black hookers offer full service for as low as $20.
Area between Lenoir and Newbern:
- Sometimes you can find both attractive and average-looking hookers here.
Lenoir heading East towards Oakwood:
- You might find some white hookers in this area.